Five Nights at Treasure Island: The Revenge

Five Nights at Treasure Island: The Revenge is designed to be an unofficial spin-off to the original horror game that is made by AnArt1996. It aims to bring more interesting experiences to the fan community. One of the great games on the list of FNAF fan games. Let’s get started to download the game for free here.

Five Nights at Treasure Island: The Revenge

Five Nights at Treasure Island: The Revenge STORY

The game sets on Treasure Island. It is not the end, there may be still a thing that has not been finished yet. You know, it is the contract with her. Are you able to get out of them? Or you will accept your destiny? Will you drown in despair and end your life? Or can you explore the secret?

Dohna is a girl but where is she from? Who is she? In fact, Dohna has some uncompleted business on Treasure Island. After that, it has been taken over by a company named Supernatural Entertainment Association or SEA for short. They have planned to make the island into a horror attraction. But why was this plan performed? What actually occurred to the original?

The girl began working on this Island with the aim of remembering her past. However, after signing a contract, she is suddenly obsessed with toons and ghosts. What happened to her? What things were in the contract? Why do they hunt her?

Download Five Nights at Treasure Island: The Revenge for free here and find out the answer.


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