Five Nights at TubbyLand 2


Five Nights at TubbyLand 2 Free Download was the sequel for its first part Five Nights at Tubbyland (FNaTL) released on 1st May, 2015 by Clicky.

A large updates also called Thanksgiving update occurred on November 20, 2015 to update visually the background, Easter Eggs and Custard Machine as well as our tubbybots. Listed as one of Five Nights series, this game succeed the horror and creepy bringing scary excitement to players.


Five Nights at TubbyLand 2’s background is an office equipped with cameras, a smoke machine and a button to toggle transmissions for defend against the tubby=bots crew including: Po 2.0, Laa-Laa, Dipsy, Tinky Winky, Noo-Noo and Po.

Five Nights at TubbyLand 2
Five Nights at TubbyLand 2

The main character, Evan Jameson, as a nightwatch security, will stay in the office and experience the different versions of all cute-on-day tubby-bots. A wise use of available disposals and careful observe is useful for the main character to avoid problems and survive 1 week working at Tubbyland.

Once night comes and the button in the right is pressed, it’s time to be careful as the office will be full of smoke, blocking your views to some tubby-bots. Pay a well attention to each Tubby-bots to find their specialities to protect yourself and win the game, Five Nights at TubbyLand.

Critolious @Critolious
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