Five Nights Before Freddy’s 2 (Official)

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Imagine being on an adventure with friends and then being left behind. What will you do? Come to Five Nights Before Freddy’s 2 (Official) Free Download and show your brave machinations.

The Story

A scheming story of Dominic. Years ago, management decided to open a new restaurant called Freddy Fazbear’s Diner after Fredbear’s. They need four original robots to cater to the guests. So they hired a truck driver to transport the animation to the restaurant.

However, Dominic did not like this. So he shot the truck’s front tire, and the car fell off a cliff at the end of the road withered Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy – four electronic cartoon robots inside. The truck driver is dead, and Dominic decides to hide the robot around a forest.

Five Nights Before Freddy's 2 (Official)
Five Nights Before Freddy’s 2 (Official)

This case opens an investigation for the police, and you get caught in the whirlpool of the battle between Dominic and the police, as he tries to conceal his crime. He blackmails you and threatens to tell your secrets to your wife. What are the secrets that make you accept Dominic’s request?


You must guard four robots to hide Dominic in a room in the forest. Also, from here, you realize the strange things in these electronic cartoons. They want to harm you. And you have to fight them and save your life. You only have a flashlight, radio, a table to hide.


  • Limited light source
  • Do not have a camera
  • Dynamic sound
  • The plot pertains to Freddy’s first Five Nights
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