JOLLY 3: Chapter 2 is back with five more nights in the horrid abandoned facility. Let’s save the poor night guard from the deep below the ground of the abandoned Jolly Entertainment Factory! The free roam experience is now available for Android devices with downloadable FNAF fan games APK for Android here.
JOLLY 3: Chapter 2 is the last game of the JOLLY series by IvanG. It continues the first episode of JOLLY 3 which shall take place directly after Night 5. As introduced, the game succeeds in the popular genre of most of all FNaF fan games, as well as the classic gameplay.
The game is no doubt another success of IvanG and his team. Just right after the first release on June 11, 2018, thousands of players experienced the game and spent a bunch of positive comments to the developers. More and more YouTubers are playing this game, which helps the game to gain a considerable reputation among gamers’ community. It’s rated as one of the most amazing fan games with high quality and genius frights from the crazy animatronics, polished graphics powered by Unreal Engine 4, and kind of unique gameplay.

The chapter provides two main phases to players for more challenges. They include:
Main Night Phase: same as usual, players will take the role of the night guard and manage to survive five nights from 12 am to 6 am with limited resources.
After Night Phase: players have to make decryptions of the animatronics after surviving the first half of the night.
We bet you won’t be able to leave the edge of your seat! Are you ready to dive into this horror and dangerous world? Take the challenge and try it on your phone now with APK JOLLY 3: Chapter 2 available here!