Welcome to Five Nights at Hanwil’s game, with a completely free PC version that Cinema developer Hanwil Games wants to send to fans.
Five Nights at Hanwil’s is one of the great games on the FNAF fan games list
Five Nights at Hanwil’s Game
This is a great horror game, where Cinema Hanwil Games has taken inspiration from the 2 hottest games in the world today. It’s Minecraft and Five Nights at Freddy’s. The gameplay and situations are almost the same as the FNAF series, but the characters in the game are Minecraft.
In this game, you play as a shopkeeper at Blocksmith Bakery. Where at night you don’t know what will happen. It’s only when night falls that you know it’s too late. Because you have to fight against the characters in Minecraft (But they are not as funny as the original version) but here they are very aggressive.
They will always threaten and hunt you through the night. You have to fight by observing the camera (in the game). Turn on regular inspection lights in dark corners. If you make it through the store nights that the game requires, you’ll be the winner. Here is the story of the store you are about to work at.
“Welcome to Hanwil’s Blocksmith Bakery!”
That’s what you’d hear if we were open to the public. We’re in need of a security guard to look after the venue, look after the animation and make sure everything is ready for the grand reopening. We had to postpone the date, due to some kind of weird smell, and the place has been smelling like that for 2 weeks! Either way, we appreciate your application for the job Alex and we hope to work with you more in the future!
If this place even HAS a future………
Five Nights at Hanwil’s is a FNAF Fan Games that has released many versions, and this is the first version to be updated. We will always update the website so please visit the website often.
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Cinema Hanwil Games