Five Nights at Smudger’s 2 for PC has game characters Thomas & Friends but they are customized according to the version of the FNAF fan games. Bigtrevvy created the game after seeing the Thomas train character cartoon, and he recommended it to gamejolt.
Five Nights at Smudger’s 2 Story
August 19th 2015, Bertram’s Station
For a quick way into town, a brand-new train station has been opened. include both new diesels and vintage steam trains, as well as a classy restaurant! You are welcome to stop over whenever you like to eat and check out the engines!
In order to maintain the station’s security, a security guard is also required to watch the surveillance cameras nightly.
You will be paid £350 a week.
If you want to apply for this position, please contact: 1-888-Bertram’s-Station
August 25th 2015, Crushed
A landslide caused by a storm last night crushed the brand new train station Bertram’s Station. The station was completely destroyed and buried. It has been assumed that all the engines were destroyed in the landslide.
The railway was also being investigated by the police after finding out that Smudger a train that was involved in a serious incident was being kept there while being wanted by the police to be scrapped. The police searched the remains of the station to find him. But he has not been seen anywhere only the other engines have been seen under the wreckage.
Stacks and chuffing sounds indicate steam trains, so do not use the alarm on them.The diesels are green, so you can know when they are there.
The Brown one is Bertram/Duke
The Yellow one is Proteus
The Green one is Smudger
Long diesel one is Class 40 or which he calls Bob
Thin diesel one is Derek
Red trucks one is Lorry’s 1, 2, and 3
The train have a cylinder on there round black part that’s the funnel that’s how you know it’s a steam engine. But the diesel engines are round and don’t have the cylinders on their heads.
Also diesels have smoke that’s the color black while steam engines have white smoke. And about the cylinders on the steam engines those cylinders are called funnels or smokestacks. Steam engines also have cabs the cabs are the place where the engines fireman and driver stay the cab also has windows but the windows are hollow.
But on diesel engines or locomotives have cabs that have real windows. Another thing about steam locomotives is they have domes the round thing near the cab steam engines have diesels don’t have those. And that’s a way could remember which is a steam locomotive and a diesel locomotive. Bbut you could just look at a shorter one.
Five Nights at Smudger’s 2 is free download and has a great trailer. The sounds and characters in the game are also something worth downloading and seeing how interesting they are in the FNAF fan games list series.
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