Dark Deception

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The attraction of the horror game genre has never been reduced. So, do not miss Dark Deception, a game developed by Glowstick Entertainment, with Dark Deception Free Download For PC.


Dark Decece is a first-person horror game that follows the storyline. Everyone knows this game as a horror maze that can take your life. The demo of Dark Decece was released in March 2014 by Vince Livings. It was not until September 27, 2018, that Dark Decece debuted with its final version, published by Vince and Nikson.

Dark Deception
Dark Deception

The story behind the game

You are the main character of Dark Decece. A mysterious woman has found you. Both of them, along with some others, are trapped in a strange and rife labyrinth. She says that if everyone wants to survive and return to a healthy life, all have to do some things. She shows you and the other different gates. But things are not so easy. To advance to the gate and smoothly pass through, the player must overcome challenges and complete quests.

On the other hand, the maze is not only you. This place is covered with darkness. In that darkness, fierce monsters and their owners were hiding. They are just waiting to eat you. Finding a way out of the dark is your only way of life. Run or die – it’s entirely your choice.


Dark Decece has many outstanding features, including features that require high speed and speed. Not just a regular horror game, Dark Decece also has a mix of funny things. It was a game that required the spirit of steel: Dark Decece.


4.1/5 - (7 votes)
4.1/5 - (7 votes)

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