Five Nights at Sonic’s Reimagined

Five Nights at Sonic’s Reimagined, which is for free download on our website, is designed to be an interesting game made by a fan of the horror series Five Nights At Freddy’s of Scott Cawthon. It is just a fan game, not an official one, but still brings you a lot of unforgettable moments.

Five Nights at Sonic's Reimagined
Five Nights at Sonic’s Reimagined


The game brings all of you to immerse yourself into a thrilling story that takes place in Sega Inc. This place is in need of hiring a security guard working nightshift from 12 am to 6 am tomorrow. In the meantime, you are looking for a new job and you decide to apply for this position. You get this job.

Your responsibility is to check and observe the camera system in order to make sure the security for this company. At first, everything is normal. However, scrapped mascots of this company do not stand in their own position, they start to come alive. And now you must defend yourself from terrors these mascots bring to you. Do not let them catch you, once they get you, the game is over.

Are you able to survive?

Don’t hesitate to download Five Nights at Sonic’s Reimagined for free here and try your best to stay alive until 6 am.


Sonic4925 (TC) @Sonic4925


4/5 - (3 votes)
4/5 - (3 votes)

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