Nightmare at Charles 4

Welcome to the horror game Nightmare at Charles 4. In order not to make you wait, our team tries to update you with the exciting and dramatic game. It is taken. inspired by the famous FNAF game over the years.

Charles 4 is one of the great games on the FNAF fan games list.

Nightmare at Charles 4 for PC

The story of the game Nightmare at Charles 4

This is a horror role-playing game in which you will play as a character hunted by aggressive robots. They have very unusual behaviors and move in the dark quickly.

To win this game you have to pass 6 nights, in which you have to fight many different monsters. With only one flashlight, you have to regularly check the nooks and crannies like:

  • Door
  • Exhaust Fan
  • Ceiling fan
  • Under the bed.

You should note that, just a moment of loss, you will pay a pretty high price to be attacked by them and have to lose.

During the 6 night battle, you also have to participate in some mini games. This also helps you a little in the game Nightmare at Charles 4.

Things that happen in the night, may not be only in your imagination.
You must protect yourself against those who lurk in the shadows, hiding behind every door and even those standing above you. Can you survive the final nightmare with Charles and friends?

This will be the final part of the Nightmare at Charles story. The NaC characters will definitely show up again. Just not for a while.

Nightmare at Charles 4 is one of the great games on the FNAF fan games.


Nightmare at Charles 4 Screenshot 1 Nightmare at Charles 4 Screenshot 2 Nightmare at Charles 4 Screenshot 3 Nightmare at Charles 4 Screenshot 4

Download Link:

Gamejolt Server

Developer: Official_AndrewJohn100

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