Those Nights at Random’s 2: New Stars

That Nights at Random’s 2: New Stars (Indefinite Hiatus) free download for PC. After the success of Random’s Pizza Time Theater in 1996, R. Animatronics Co. decided that after more than 20 years of service, it was time to open a new location, with new cutting edge electronics.

Those Nights at Random's 2: New Stars (Indefinite Hiatus)
Those Nights at Random’s 2: New Stars (Indefinite Hiatus)

Cathy takes a job as a night guard at the brand new Random’s Pizza Time Theater not for the money but for answers regarding her brother’s disappearance, more than 20 years ago. She’ll enlist the help of a familiar face to get through her first week as the new night guard.

Random (TNaR Creator) @Random_Official
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