Nightmare at Charles 2

Nightmare at Charles 2, which is for free download on our website, is a game created by a fan of the worldwide well-received series Five Nights At Freddy’s by Scott Cawthon. It still stays true with the pilot of the official game but somehow brings you a lot of new interesting experiences.

Nightmare at Charles 2
Nightmare at Charles 2


The game comes along with a story that takes place around the Charles’ Pizza Zone Entertainments. It has been five years after the event that the CPZ burned to the ground. And the CPZ Entertainment has cooperated with the creators who did give this bear an opportunity to bring wonderful and fun to a new generation. However, that was a long time ago. And at the moment, Charles’ Pizza Zone 2.0 has opened to the public and introduced an advanced animatronics robot named Rocktime Animatronics.

And now, you will have to face a lot of new challenges in the game such as Limited Time, the Zero doors, as well as the danger of suffocation due to too much steam. Check the camera carefully. Are you able to stay alive at Charles?

Don’t hesitate to download Nightmare at Charles 2 for free here and explore further what happens to you next as well as your destiny. Try your best to survive another Nightmare at Charles.


Official_AndrewJohn100 @Official_AndrewJohn100
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4.1/5 - (9 votes)

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